More than Freight Factoring

We do our best to make the payment process easy letting you spend more time on proper maintenance of your business

·Instant money for your activity
·Quicker accept as compared to conventional crediting
·Doesn’t impact your creditworthiness.

New Companies

We welcome new ventures seeking development to collaborate with us.

Large vehicle parks

We offer the most beneficial terms for companies with extensive vehicle park.

< 1.6%1%
Ckeck your offer

Test period

You may not involve in a longstanding factoring with us, taking instead a monthly option of a testing period with a charge as little as 3%.

Our factoring service package includes

Individual client manager
A personal manager will be assigned to your assistance with the issues of bills, problem-decision and outer matters arising out of our collaboration.
User-friendly system
Our factoring company applies a user-friendly system; billing operation takes no longer than a pair of minutes.
Round-the-clock account access
You get full-time access to your cabinet and user portal available from any place by means of website and mobile application.
Free-of-charge creditworthiness check
You are empowered to inspect each prospect broker/client for trustworthy, if they have a fine reputation and high credit score.
Open space for accountability
Keep in mind that all payment transactions processed through your account automates various kinds of reports on your acquisitions, timing of issuance and returning of advances, etc.


Get credited on invoicing during 24 hours after their acceptance.

Without advance payments

You get your money instantly with no advance payment, charged solely a factoring rate.

Zero cost and easy-to-setup

The adjustment process of your account is easy going and comes down to completion of several forms and signing off the factoring contract.

Transparent fees

You will not be charged any extra fees, all conditions are negotiated and specifics clarified.

Fuel funds-accumulating program

Spare money on fuel with your flexible loan option or advance paid fuel card.

Other factoring conditions

If you are not ready to engage in a longstanding contracting with us, you have an alternative to set up for a monthly option on trial.

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