ELD Management - Administration

Specialists are the main value worth investment. We possess a team of true experts, experienced managers, working with whom you will make success and develop your business replenishing your motor fleet.


Our company will support you in keeping your records in accordance with the FMCSA requirements.



If a carrier company or other catered organization is renamed or relocated it must apply for changing the entries with the DOT and the appropriate bodies of FMCSA in due time.

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    Entries update

    One-off charge


    If a carrier company or other catered organization is renamed or relocated it must apply for changing the entries with the DOT and the appropriate bodies of FMCSA in due time.

    UCR application assistance

    One-off charge


    The UCR means the United Carrier Registration agreement mandated by the US federal authorities as part of the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act, A Legacy for Users (“SAFETEA-LU”), Public Law 109-59, enacted August 10, 2005. The UCR governs collection and distribution of information about registration and fees paid by freight brokers, motor carriers and leasing companies.

    Passengers permissions

    One-off fee


    Generally the passengers can’t be transported by a company which is in cargo forwarding business, that was stipulated by the point 392.60 of the CMV federal electronic сode. Contracting enables you to have such an opportunity.

    Drafting of agreements

    One-off charge


    Forwarding companies generally conclude different kinds of agreements with the drivers and other participants of the deal. Address our consultants to give you a draft form of a contract.

    Emergencies & Complaints

    There are hundreds of emergencies that happen daily on highways and the forwarding company should make sure its drivers are aware of how to overcome this challenge.



    In the given situation the safety manager will be an important player comforting the driver and settling the issues following the road emergency.

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      Driver’s emergency instructions

      One-off charge


      Each driver will get advice from our Security Manager as to how to act in extreme situations in the form of video or written consultation to be paid for either with a 69.99$ one-off payment or be included in a safety service package.

      Security Manager’s guide for emergencies

      One-off charge


      Each driver will get advice from our Security Manager as to how to act in extreme situations in the form of video or written consultation to be paid for either with a 69.99$ one-off payment or be included in a safety service package.

      Filing complaints support

      One time


      The service may include filing complaints, updating records, exchanging the relevant documents with the insurer or a third party.

      You face a decision if the 499.99$ sum is paid one-off or be reserved within the security package.

      Insurance coverage

      We are proud to have experts who are great at settling insurance-related problems.



      All logistics companies need insurance and it matters to them that the adviser be a true professional and a skilled expert. We have just the right specialists to solve all your insurance problems.

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        General liability insurance extension

        One-off charge


        Annually you have to extend for your company insurance. We are able to speed up the matter and make it more money wise for you. The service to be paid for either at once with a 69.99$ one-off payment or be included in a safety service package.

        Extension of professional or employee reimbursement insurance

        One-off charge


        The drivers assigned to your carrier company should be under the insurance coverage for you not to compensate with your own budget for damages incurred by an incident that happened. All you have to do is to phone us for help.
        The charge of 99.99$ is payable either right away with one-off payment or may be debited within your safety package.

        Driver document base

        Drivers hold a central role in transportation.



        The two decisive points for you to make a right choice of drivers and meet the FMCSA’s demands are a skilled security manager and a fine elaborated system. Over our 5+ years of experience we have developed expertise on how to be in good standing with FMCSA.

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          Driver document base

          One-off charge


          Each category of drivers receives a personalized package of services.
          For prospect drivers we provide data monitoring and analysis.
          The operating drivers are suggested for training and we sign for them all the papers required by the FMCSA.
          We check the canceled drivers and close up their profiles.
          Automatically generated expiring item update notification
          Possibility to file up an electronic driver’s application and violation protocol
          Electronic driver application and record of the violation
          Automatically generated violation protocols
          Notifications by email of cessation, terms running out and terminations.
          The 49.99$ charge paid one-off or debited within your security package.

          Combined documents

          The forwarder’s technical facilities should always be on top alongside documenting procedures with respect to motor parks. Our high-end software and skilled workers is the asset that makes you sure of the result without spare trouble.



          The security plan must include measures to provide the decrease in toll of emergencies and breaches within the company. Training sessions should be held in a company for the drivers to perfect their skills.

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            Van documents


            The bulk of documents concerning the van
            The 49.99$ one-off payment or debited within your security package

            Trailer documents


            The bulk of documents concerning the trailer
            The 49.99$ one-off payment or debited within your security package

            Inventory of equipment


            Complete register concerning company facilities
            The 49.99$ one-off payment or debited within your security package

            Tax clearance under 2290 form


            The given tax is cleared by every forwarding company annually.
            The 49.99$ one-off payment or debited within your security package

            Substance and alcohol use restraints

            49 CFR Part 40, or Part 40 as we call it, is a DOT-wide regulation that states how to conduct testing and how to return employees to safety-sensitive duties after they violate a DOT drug and alcohol regulation.

            Contact manager


            The title 49 part 40 CFR is a DOT-oriented provision that expounds how tests are conducted and how to restore the workers in security-prone job positions after breaching the DOT drug and alcohol rules.
            The US Congress found it sensible to exclude drug and alcohol from the logistics industry and this initiative was fulfilled into the Omnibus Transportation Employee Testing Act as of 1991, which obliged the authorities to carry out the drug and alcohol tests for those transportation workers who are vulnerable to accidents.
            Starting from the early 1990s, the FMCSA agency and its before going authority have implemented testing for drug and alcohol of those workers who operate the commercial vehicles under the CDL (commercial driver’s license).

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              Enlisting to a consortium


              The third party/consortium managers monitor entirely or partially the worker’s drug and alcohol testing assigned by DOT, taking notes of testing protocols if necessary.

              Pre-hire drug monitoring and random testing


              The federal authorities ruled that all drivers that work under the CMV license should be subject to pre-hire testing prior to taking up their security-relative duties

              Health check-up monitoring


              Every driver health check under the 49 CFR 391.41 must be conducted by a medical expert together with completion of the form of Medical Examination Report.
              Computerized or manually processed form of the Medical Examination Report should be preserved with the medical expert minimum for 3 years from the date of the health check.
              The medical experts are obliged to give access to these records during 48 hours without delay upon request of the FMCSA, state, federal or local authorized bodies (49 CFR 391.43 (i)).

              Post accidents tests, justified suspicion, in-duty reinstatement, supplementary examinations


              Our consultant, acting with respect to a situation justifies the cause for maintaining tests and supervises everything to be done in a proper manner.

              Investigation and compliance service


              When a security investigation is underway at your company, our consultants will ensure that all data is gathered that might be legally queried relative to alcohol and drug test results, enquiries for tests, regulatory compliance audits.

              Signing up to IRP

              Contact manager


              Fill in the form to contact with us

                Other Services

                Our company’s expertise and skillful conduction of activity is the key to your motor carrier’s success

                We have exclusively skillful and experienced logistic operators on board, profoundly acquainted with how to conduct strategy projects of transport network in the US main sectors and round the world.

                Over 500

                Passed Inspections

                We have come successful in all inspections due to our well-configurated audit system.

                Over 1000

                Operating Vans

                Security system improvements have proven beneficial in terms of increasing the number of vehicles on our balance, treated to an upscale service.

                Over 60

                Team members

                The whole our staff is doing a distant job allowing us to incorporate people from anywhere in the world into our 24-hours whole-week support.

                Over 300

                Motor carrier clients

                Irrespective of how large our motor carrier company is – either it has one vehicle included in motor park or 500, we offer the same high standard of service to assure for your carrier company the positive financial dynamic.

                Observe the expertise and skillful actions of our company on your own

                For a 7-year+ term we have compiled a substantial base of knowledge and expertise developed a wide portfolio of solved cases. We would like you to take over this knowledge.


                If there is no answer to your question feel free to mail us on

                List of services
                Which tests are stipulated by DOT regulations?
                Employment-preceding, on-suspicion, arbitrary, on-accident, post-crash, return to work and subsequent
                Is my driver authorized to go on operating for me as a carrier with suspended validity of personal vehicle license but an unexpired CDL class A license?
                Yes, he is, but there are some restrictions. For instance, he may not run a truck within a range of 10,001-26, 000 pounds. Moreover, the driver is not allowed to run a smaller commercial motor vehicle, including the box truck. The CDL class A license solely permits him to drive a vehicle starting from 26, 000 pounds coupled with a trailer of 10, 0001 pounds.
                If I had to move to another state, would I need to restart the insurance coverage?
                That depends on the insurer who covered for you. Certain insurance policies may be rendered to a new provider.
                How do the сomplaints influence my company?
                If someone filed a complaint against you, that would influence your policy, namely the level of contribution you pay when it needs prolongation. The perks for no claims would also be touched upon to the extent of selected protection.
                What set of documents each company should have?
                That is based on the kind of activity your company conducts and peculiarities involved. Commonly the following is required: motor carrier authority, certificate of insurance, Unified Carrier Registration (UCR), Electronic Logging Device (ELD) manual, and other papers and prescriptions, necessary at the occurrence of legal offense.
                Who is liable to obtain the IFTA license?
                Any vehicle meant for commuting people or property transportation is considered a professional motor vehicle on condition that it has 2 axes and a total registered mass of 26,000 pounds or 11,797 converted to kilograms; or coupled with a trailer registered weight above this 26, 000 pounds (11,797 kilograms).
                There is a difference between a leisure vehicle and a business class vehicle. The business vehicle is thought as a professional transport meant for business routines while the leisure vehicle is сreated and designed exclusively for person’s recreation purposes not connected with business. This may include house on wheels, or a pickup joined with a camper trailer.
                Would you specify the Hours of Service driver’s regulations by DOT?
                The HOS (Hours of Service) is a collection of provisions that optimizes the roadside security by administering the driver's trucking hours. In other words, the DOT rules how many hours a separate driver can run, allocates the time occupied by the main activity, intervals for off-hours and compulsory breaks.
                What is a remedial actions plan?
                Under the FMCSA the good remedial actions plan should rely on the certain variables, ongoing work procedures and staff training processes. The model examples of implementing mandatory staff training may be vocational retraining, double checks, molding of new working practices.
                What data should be stored on disk for subsequent inquiries and IRP checkups?
                First of all you should save the mileage register of the current state and for the past three years. These data can be collected from the sources you use to fix the vehicle run-the-mile records.
                Which are the constituents of the security plan?
                ✓ Incentives
                ✓ Assistance system
                ✓ Qualified assistance
                ✓ Recognition
                How can I sign up for the DataQs electronic system?
                New visitors of the DataQs system are prompted to sign up. It just takes a few clicks. Tap the “New to DataQs?” option in the login field on the starting page and go through the following steps that appear on the screen till your registration is over and a personal account is created. Initially you will be eligible for general access.
                What is the target for the CSA standards implementation?
                The FMCSA is dedicated to strengthening road security by lowering the number of accidents, but for the last several years the process has been fading out. Driven by this fact they had to reconsider the methods of how they monitor security on roads and seek the new approaches to control, scoring and intervene measures with carriers. The CSA came as a result of these investigative actions allowing the FMCSA and its collaborators to estimate the security fitness of larger sections of industry and intervene before trouble happens.
                Why is my motor carrier inspected so often?
                Your vehicles are often halted on roads or stations in case when your security scores are low. That indicates that your company is positioned among those with high likelihood of violations.